metalized polypropylene film capacitor / axial / high dv/dt
0.01 - 4.7 µF | STP-01QE STP-01Q
INO Group

metalized polypropylene film
Technical characteristics:
high dv/dt
The axial lead polypropylene film capacitors in this product series can be used for several applications, including projects in which they absorb transient voltage and current from Thyristor. Other projects include those where high dv/dt is encountered, as well as SMPS Snubber circuits, pulse current applications and MMC capacitor modules.
This item is useful for tank capacitors, high pulse current applications, benefiting from advanced electrical characteristics, such as a capacitance between 0.01 and 4.7uF. The voltage range is between 600 and 3,000Vdc, as well as 275 and 750Vac.
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